I meant to get this out Thursday, and I apologize (but it probably will happen again)!
Anywho. This time I’m going to pick up on the issue of the unhoused again because I found out a few updates.
Some of the non-profits in this town, such as 100% Otero, Runner’s Refuge, Community Power New Mexico, and Mayor Susan Payne on behalf of Love, Inc. have met to address the need for sheltering the small unhoused population in Alamogordo.
According to JoAnn Vullo, the community was able to meet with the Housing Assistant to the governor, Taylor Cook. Then this past week, they have started trying to form a “501c3 Housing Needs Network made up of housing experts from all non-profits involved in the issue.”
Again, I don’t have too much more than that, but, there is movement on the issue that will be a little more consistent/ persistent than having to redirect the narrative at a town hall on public safety, for example.
As I hear more about these efforts, I’ll let you know. But as for now, the tangible ways for us as community members to get involved have already been outlined to the best of my knowledge, besides maybe reaching out to those listed non-profits. Vullo has been my main contact for this round of blog posts about housing, as well as Heather Flodin with CPNM.
You can have hope that the great outpouring of support for the unhoused is still there, Alamogordo. You just may have more luck finding it in person.
I will be moving on to a personally more accessible, critical topic in town: mental health. If I don’t get that to you by Tuesday, feel free to break out the pitchforks.
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